Running Into Pain: Common Running Injuries

As the weather continues to warm up, many people will trade-in the treadmills for the trails, while others will begin running altogether. And for beginners and experienced runners alike, this raises some new potential injury risks. From the uneven ground, roots and...

Tennis Elbow Explained

Spring is upon us, and that means that very soon we’ll be trading in our boots and toques for sunglasses and sandals as well as swapping our hockey sticks and curling brooms for golf clubs and tennis racquets. And while this means that we’ll get to spend more time...

Tips for Safer Walking This Winter

Winter is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Crisp air, fresh snowfalls, frozen lakes, what’s not to love right? Well, as beautiful as this time of year is, it can also be quite dangerous for walking. When not careful, the beautiful snow and ice become...

Tips for Winter Hiking

When it comes to winter, there are two types of people: those who spend December to March hibernating indoors, and those who spend those same months outside enjoying the crisp air and beautiful snow. This article is for the second group (or people in the first group...