Step To It!

Do you track your daily steps? Using a pedometer or smartphone app can help you get an idea of how much you’re walking. As your chiropractor, we help keep your spinal bones in alignment so your nervous system can function at its best. But outside of the practice, we...

Running Prep Blog

It is well-known that long-distance running is a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness. Luckily, there is a huge international running community which provides runners with access to many services including training advice, group training opportunities, and...

What is Balance and how Do You Train It?

Balance is the act of maintaining your centre of mass over your base of support. Without getting into an in-depth physics lesson, the centre of mass is the point at which all your mass is evenly distributed around a single point. It is the point in which, if pushed...

Healthy Harvest: 5 Ways to Stay Active This Fall

1. Prepare meals using local, fresh produce As the fall approaches and the cold weather creeps in it is tempting to gravitate towards warm comfort foods. Instead of the calorically dense fast food options, support your local farms and opt for “harvest” fruits and...