Foods That Boost the Immune System

A strong immune system plays an important role in ensuring your health and wellness. It consists of organs, cells, tissues, and proteins that carry out bodily processes to fight off pathogens including viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies that cause infection or...

Golf Without Back Pain

With golf courses open again here in Ontario, we know many of you rushed to the course to make up for the lost time. Perhaps this year more than ever, we also know that some of you may have already experienced or are still experiencing some back pain after hitting the...

Fit Your Bike Like a Physiotherapist

We know a lot of our patients have recently dusted off their bikes for the season. We’re so happy to see many of you staying active and getting some much-needed fresh air! Cycling is one of the most versatile activities you can do since it can be done competitively,...

How To Prevent Burnout

The past year has been a lot to digest and take on for all of us. The word “burnout” has been tossed around a lot in the media recently as it is not uncommon for people to report feeling helpless, exhausted, and detached from life. Burnout is a real condition that...